LilMike.Me Vidiocracy

@LilMikeSF Media Maker Myriorama

Bargain Music

Mike Watt began his “Time To Not Cat & Mouse Tour 2001” on September 11th 2001… it didn’t go as initially planned, as you can imagine…

Mike Watt is one of the original bloggers and still has his tour diary from 9/11/2001 up at his site , here are some of the pertinent excerpts of what happened relevant to the video posted below that I shot on September 12th 2001 in Sacramento at Old Ironsides. 
Mike Watt 9/11 tour diary excerpt : “over the bay bridge towards sacramento, where we play tonight. it’s actually the first gig of the tour now. we make it eventually to the pad for tonight’s show, _old ironsides_, right by the capitol. yet another perfect place to park – – the first gig of the tour done. I’m just glad I made it though it – this was really tough. sometimes I feel I’m a reed blowing in the wind, a hostage of the wind and unable to find my center… I don’t feel very strong now. one cat, an older guy who has me sign his blue oyster cult record wants me to write “death to afghanistan” but I say no and instead write “love to afghanistan.” he says it’s ok. I think he knows what I mean.”