Ruleta Rusa – Divina ProvidenC.I.A.

Ruleta Rusa performing live in San Francisco
Ruleta Ruse perform the song Divina ProvidenCIA at the Elbo Room in San Francisco
A studio version of this song can be found on the 2017 LP Viviendo Una Maldicion through Sorry State Records, and the seven song Ltd Edition Pressing 2015 Euro Tour 12″ EP on Trabuc Records available here
Live at the Elbo Room in San Francisco,
these Ruleta Rusa lyrics are inspired by the deadly political power struggles in El Salvador particularly throughout the 1980’s by the government against the FMLN opposition movement. El Salvador’s right wing military death squads, backed by the country’s banks and elites, as well as United States government, went after indigenous activists, Jesuit Priests, aid workers, students and civilian intellectuals. At the peak of the conflict, the death squads wiped-out entire villages when hunting opposition guerillas, including over 1,000 people in the village of El Mozote in 1981.
During the height of the war, United States aid to the repressive government averaged $1.5 million dollars a day. The U.S. finally ceased support of the regime only in 1990 after tens of thousands of civilian deaths and the United Nations became involved in the human rights crisis. After U.S. Congressman Moakley raised issues about the atrocities and coverups by the military, eventually some military members were prosecuted for the kidnapping, torture, rape and murder thousands of unarmed civilians.