Gray Matter Unreleased DCHC Queen Tribute Track

70's Rock

Gray Matter – We Will Rock You

By lilmikesf

June 16, 2019

Geoff Turner, Mark Haggerty, Dante Ferrando, and Steve Niles unloaded a rawkin’ one buried in the WGNS vaults for decades.

Yes, just in time for the Oscar winning movie to confuse people that missed Queen the first time around, now Gray Matter creates further Gray areas. This time it’s with a punky revamp of Queen’s “We Will Rock You”, a demo was recorded at WGNS when Grey Matter were rehearsing it to play at a benefit concert in DC and then shelved for decades…

Head over to to get your free MP3 version…

#GrayMatter #Dischord #DCHardcore #QueenTribute

Gray Matter Unreleased DCHC Queen Tribute Track