SF DA Debate

The 2019 San Francisco DA election marks the first time in more than 100 years that there is no sitting incumbent running for the District Attorney seat.
CANDIDATES In Order Of Seating On Video Live Stream At Dais From Left To Right (Moderator from ACLU is Yoel Haile)
(Advance Streaming Video Feed with Cursor to 25 Minutes Into Event To Get To Introductions)
Suzy Loftus, Legal Counsel, San Francisco Sheriff’s Department, City and County of San Francisco
Chesa Boudin,San Francisco Public Defender
Nancy H. Tung, Deputy District Attorney, Alameda County
Leif Dautch, Deputy Attorney General, State of California

The debate was organized by a coalition of organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union, Indivisible SF, the San Francisco Eastern Neighborhoods Democratic Club and the Willie B. Kennedy Democratic Club in conjunction with event site UC Hastings College of the Law.